3 Simple Steps To Lose Weight Faster, Backed By Science

These days we are getting a bunch of articles that filled with nutty information.

That is why I have made this post about SCIENTIFIC FACTS, and not just rumors and hearsay.

When it comes does to weight loss there are only a few true, relatively simple but certain “tips” that actually work!

Too Much Dieting Or Exercising?

Samuel Klein, MD at Washington University’s School of Medicine. “Decreasing food intake is much more effective than increasing physical activity to achieve weight loss. If you want to achieve a 300 kcal energy deficit you can run in the park for 3 miles or not eat 2 ounces of potato chips.”

Does this mean that exercise is obsolete?

Does it mean I can never exercise again and have a better healthier life?


Of course, both together would be the best way to go.

The thing is if we rely only on dieting or exercising, it often backfires.

We need to find the middle ground and that is where we should stop.

“Dieting” too much but never exercising or “Exercising” too much but eating as much as you want what ever you want, has its consequences.

Our bodies are designed to conduct a healthy BALANCED lifestyle.

“If the exercise made you tired so that you become more sedentary the rest of the day, you might not experience any net negative energy,” says Klein.

  • Remember for every action there is a reaction.

  • Never go to one extreme to another.

Can Exercise Fix Your Metabolism?

James Hill, PhD, at the University of Colorado “A lot of what we know in this area comes from NASA, of the bed-rest studies,” he says. “Within a couple of days of non-activity, the metabolism becomes inflexible. You start moving again, and it does start to change.”

This is exactly what we were discussing above.

Exercising is a crucial part in the maintenance of your metabolism.

Michael Jensen, MD at the Mayo Clinic. “Exercise is very, very important for maintaining lost weight, and people who are not physically active are more likely to gain weight. We think it’s partly because in the extra calories burned from physical activity, you have a bit more flexibility in food intake, so you’re not so much relying on ridged changes in eating habits; it makes it more tolerable.”

If you have been obese your whole life or a big part of it.

Will you ever be able to fix your “metabolism”?

Some patience have reported that they can eat more without gaining weight, some have reported that it only eat a little more than before, until the metabolism starts to give them a big fat warning.

It all depends on individual level.

But it is proven that exercise can help you recover your metabolism, improve it, and help you stay on the safe side.

Am I Going To Work Harder Than Other “Fit” People?

James Hill, PhD, at the University of Colorado “The sad thing, is that once you’ve been obese or not moving for some time, it takes a little more exercise to maintain. It doesn’t come back to normal.”

I know it’s hard to hear, but this is science, it has no feelings.

But there is something you can do to actually improve on your condition.

Building muscle will help you actually burn more calories and this means you will not be as susceptible to gaining weight.

The good this is now you know what you are up against.

And this means you now know which steps to take to fight fat.

Is There Something Else That Can Help Improve My Journey?

Sure, let’s talk about quality over quantity.

University’s David Katz, MD “the quality of calories is a major determinant of the quantity we ingest under real world conditions.” he says, “where the calories come from does matter in that they influence satiety,”

View it this way, it’s harder to overeat on veggies than on twinkies.

But a calorie still remains a calorie.

It is all about the calorie quality and concentration.


If you’re a woman who has been caught in the weight loss yo-yo cycle, you owe it to yourself to get a copy of the Cinderella Solution weight loss program.

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